Wheel locking nut removal
Lost Keys
A very common issue, the key is missing and you need to get the wheel off. It is possible to obtain new keys from the dealers if you have all of the original serial and batch numbers for your locking nuts or bolts. However this can take a number of weeks and often the cost is very high.
If the locks is not* over tightened or already damaged we maybe able to remove the locks without breaking them giving you the opportunity to get a replacement key at a later date. We can provide a replacement standard nuts or bolts to get you back on the road.
If the the lock is damaged or over tightened we may need to use an invasive technique which will result in the locks no longer being usable. We may not be able to tell you beforehand what technique we need to use as we cannot tell if a lock is over tightened from a photo.

Damaged locks
We are able to remove most locks even if they have been previously damaged by other mechanics.
This can be a longer process to remove the locking nuts or bolts depending on how damaged they are. We do ask for photos of locks before we book a job so we can be sure that a) it can be removed and b) how much it will cost. In rare cases we may find we are unable to remove the damaged locks, in this situation we wont charge for the removal. As well standard replacement nuts or bolts we can supply new locks, these are priced depending on the model and year of your car.